This time the General Members Assembly will not be an official General Members Assembly. We won’t vote on anything, so we did not want to put you guys through an official GMA. Instead you can read an update of our project plans, our missions and an update of the B5 committees here. If you would like to give your opinion, input or have questions about something, we like to see you on Monday evening the 10th of May. Hope to see you then and have fun reading! 🙂
Board – Project Plans
Project Plan 1.1 – The living room
The goal of this project plan is to create a social connection between ID members and discover more about the ID character. During the past month we focused with ID on some physical activities for example Master Meetup Day and the ActID Scavenger Hunt.
Next to this we also did some online expressions like the ID Radioshow (where you can read more about later in this blogpost).
The upcoming weeks we are going to focus on organizing a Creative Market. Get inspired by the creations your fellows make. Why? Cause we want to enable IDE students to show what they do besides their studies! Even during these hard times, our creativity is not stoppable. 🙂

Project Plan 1.2 – The website as a platform
We’re spicing up the website! The goal of this project plan is to facilitate an online connection between the members of ID by adding interactive elements to the website.
What did we do so far?
We started out with you guys! We asked for input, did some brainstorming and decided on specific functions we wanted to start with. You guys mainly asked for the ability to connect with other members, both for fun and for ‘serious business’. That’s why we came up with an upgraded member space including:
- Ticket sale via Mollie
- Ask the ID’er: a post board to e.g. sell your books, find new housemates, look for used materials etc.
- ID Thoughts: a place to dump all your brainfarts, creative projects and (ID related) happy pictures
- ID Music: listen and post your favorite music via Spotify
- Input: for all your input on the new member space!
All these new features were revealed during the Big Reveal! We were happy to see that many of you guys have looked at them. By doing the assignments hidden in the new member space, five lucky ID’ers each won a pair of (member) space cat socks 🙂
What are we doing now?
We collected a lot of feedback during the Big Reveal, which we are processing now. If you still have some, please let us now!
What’s next?
The collected feedback will hopefully give us some insights on how we can further improve the website. We’ll politely ask our lovely Floris to make the necessary adjustments!
We’re also looking for new websIDe members! Do you also want to become a hacker and work on the ID website? Send an email to!

Project Plan 2.1 – ID as a part of society
Hey hello, what a year. A big spotlight has been shed on the importance of societal design and at ID we also see this new direction in our design field. With IDE4S, our society action workgroup we’re going to explore the possibilities of designing with students for our local society. Next to that, the 31st of May a screening of Coded Bias will be held together with ID and Studium Generale where there is room for discussion afterwards. The discussion is hosted by Sjoerd van Dommelen. More on that soon 🙂
Project Plan 2.2 – Rediscovering sustainability in ID
Since the beginning of this year, we have been trying to make ID more sustainable.
We have a box at ID where you can hand in your old devices, after which they will be recycled, a tree at the zuil where you can give your input and we are working on getting a sustainability label from GreenTU. Our committees have been busy with sustainability by choosing a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to include in their activities, meetings or purchases this year. They all presented their SDG in their presentation moment and at the end of this year we are going to evaluate if they liked an SDG in their committee.
By doing this we hope to inspire you, our members, to be more sustainable as designers and in your personal life!
Project Plan 2.3 – The map
The first semester we started talking with alumni about their career path. This semester we concluded with those talks to get more insights in the possibilities after graduating the study Industrial Design Engineering.
We also created a survey for Bachelor students to ask them which information they are missing about their future possibilities after the study Industrial Design Engineering. A lot of students completed our survey and helped us with their answers in our process.
In addition to holding talks with alumni and asking Bachelor students about the information they are still missing, we talked with Floris, our hacker of WebsIDe. He helped us thinking about the possibilities on the website with the data we obtained from a survey conducted at the beginning of the year. We have clustered the data and are now thinking about how and what data we want to make available to our members on the website. With this step, we hope to give the Bachelor students Industrial Design Engineering an insight into the possibilities after our study and provide tools in the search within these possibilities.
Board – Missions
Do you need a break, thirsty and want to get some fresh air? Come #rondjelopen! Last friday we uploaded our second #rondjelopen! Whilst walking the route of rondjelopen #2 you come across all the hidden gems of the campus area, are you excited? Also, feeling in need for a lovely coffee during your walk, we got you covered! All the coffees of Café Labs are discounted 20% if you mention #rondjelopen. Whoehoe!

In our last update-blogpost you could read that we were working on the ID Radioshow. In the meanwhile, we already hosted two episodes, and this Wednesday at 16:00 we are going live with the third one. During the show we listen to music, have some different ‘rubrieken’ and a chat with you! Call in when you have a question for us or just want to tell a funny sory. You can listen to the music we played on Spotify or listen back the full show on SoundCloud.
If you can’t come to the Balie, we will bring the Balie to you! Last month we went out and about with our beautiful bakebike. We brought some snackies, tea and very tasty coffee, and had some lovely ID members (and some random people) pay us a visit at the gracht near the Ruif. We’ll be sure to do it again soon! Stay tuned on the gram @idstudyassociation
Committees – B5 update
IDE Business Fair
Nine months ago, eight IDE students started an ambitious project. In times of social distancing, mouth masks and Willem Engel, the new IDE Business Fair Committee aimed to redeem the cancelled Fair of 2020.
We felt that students and companies were longing for an event that re-established the connection between student life and career opportunities.More than in previous years, it took us a lot of perseverance and persuasiveness to organize and host activities. Each press conference pressured us to push a little harder, finding new ways to make the Business Fair a success. Until the very last moment, we were dreaming of seeing each other in real life during the fair.
Finally, when people had to stay inside, we decided to partner up with the digital platform of GoMeet. Together with GoMeet, we were able to create a digital environment in which companies could safely present their projects and career opportunities. Participants were able to create their avatar and interact with companies and each other. The platform enabled personal conversations and offered loads of side activities such as a digital soccer match or virtual dance-off. The digital Business Fair did not become a downgrade, but a trade-off between convenience and possibilities. While we were not anticipating this virtual outcome, we are extremely happy with the result.
It was great to see the confidence of all the attending companies, who put their fate in the business fair during these uncertain times. Without the heartwarming efforts of the volunteers and attending students, the Business Fair and the preceding activities could not have been such a huge success. But, most of all, I am proud of my fellow committee members. Despite all the setbacks, they kept pushing through. Working from home and sacrificing evenings, weekends and holidays, they persevered and proved that even during a pandemic, we can meet each other and have fun.
Hopefully, we can see each other soon in person. Until then, keep safe and look after one another.

IO Festival
IO Festival 2021 is just a few weeks away! This year started of with a lot of uncertainties, except one: we will provide you a unforgettable night! The desk of all those online meetings will be transformed into a bar, the dishwashing brush will become your microphone and your housemate turns into the MC.
The big success of this years’ Band & DJ contest felt as euphoric as the smell of rain after a long period of drought. This smell is called “Petrichor”, which is the theme of IO Festival 2021. This theme is a metaphor for the long time we weren’t able to party. We can’t wait to celebrate the rain with you! See you the 4th of June! Don’t forget to follow @io.festival on Instagram and check for all the updates on the festival.

Freshmen weekend
Dear readers, we’ll take you through the adventurous process of the freshman weekend (EJW) committee 29! In case you are not yet familiar with this beautiful committee, you can recognize us by our headgear (often made of reeds) and our always enthusiastic approach. This enthusiasm already started at the question campaign, where one of us was arrested – unfortunately -. After that of course many meetings and work evenings, from which a nice theme has emerged. If you want to know more about our theme, be there on May 25. We are already working on the video for you. Unfortunately, there is also a small COVID-19 related bump on the road this year, but no worries! The EJW committee isn’t going to let themselves get out of the way so easily. Soon, scenarios will be worked out in our famous brainstorm evenings, which may finally be in the shed for real!
You can come to us with anything. For tips on snacks, you should contact Lianne and Liselot and Mees is always around to go on dates. And if you want to send a great message to Mees, you can ask Job for a nice opening sentence. Another ‘fun fact’ is that Isis and Emma were together in the group of their EJW, talk about full circle! And all that under the leadership of our dear QQ’er Meike, hats off. Or shall we say hat on 😉
Isis, Emma, Mees, Job, Liselot, Lianne en Meike van EJW 29

Flight Case
Nine months ago, seven master students started an ambitious project; redeeming the canceled Flight Case 2020. All in times of social distancing, mouth masks and prohibited travel. All went well and we saw light at the end of the Covid tunnel. Unfortunately, we ran out of time just before we reached the end of the tunnel. Due to development of the covid pandemic, the legal departments of the companies and the government we had to cancel the summer program. Companies were really excited to collaborate with us, but their main reasons for not continuing the partnership was the participation of the trip. Companies did not want to take the risk of welcoming the Flight Case team at their headquarters, retained by their government and not willing to collaborate in the summer trough an online platform.
Although this was very sad news, we showed our flexibility and resilience and came back stronger! Every organization needs to adapt to stay ahead. Taking a dive into unknown directions or solving challenges at hand is part of this. So, we reinvented ourselves and transformed Flight Course into an innovation acceleration program. And on the 22nd of April we finally kicked off! During the first two weeks of the course, we inspired and informed all the participants with our podcast, presentations and the three coaches; Jeroen van Erp, Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer and Ianus Keller. This Thursday we will do a deep dive with Volvo Cars and start with the first 2-weeks design sprint where we will be focusing on improving customer experience. Next on the innovation list are, Tetrapak, H&M and SINTEF! Exciting times ahead!
ID Kafee
ID Kafee misses you, but you probably miss ID Kafee too. Your weekly visit to ID Kafee can no longer be taken for granted; the tafelvoetbaltafel is living a life on its own, the speciaalbiertjes are slowly expiring and the echoing sounds of ‘laatste rondeeeeee’ can hardly be heard anymore. Still, although ‘niet hopen’ is shouted on a regular basis, we hope for a little light at the end of the tunnel. We are busy working out plans for Beugelkafee and the long-awaited Kafeest 2, because if we know one thing for sure, it is that people should keep drinking anyway. And well, then why not go for a beer. Funfact; 49 liters of Grolsch have been consumed during the regular Kafee’s that we were able to run. Enough talking for now. We would love to see you again soon at ID Kafee; there where the tea is cold, and the beer is warm. Mooi!