Hiii dear reader, and welcome to the first new blog post of this year! This blog post is here to give you a bit of background information before going to the General Members Assembly on the 21st of February, and also to update you on what’s going on in ID!
I hope that you have fun reading the post and that we will see you at the GMA!
xx Annabel
Project Plans
For those wondering what that means: a project plan is a goal that we (Board 49) have come up with this summer at the start of the year.
1.1 Welzijn (wellbeing)
In this project plan, we are focussing on the mental and physical wellbeing of our ID members. By organising different activities we want to create more awareness about these topics. We organised the wellbeing lecture, given by Judith and Silvio from Boven Water, which was focused on performance pressure (prestatiedruk). Thereby, we had two wellbeing weeks around the past deadline week. Here, we had yummy tea and koeks in ID to support all of you studying toppers!

1.2 Verbinding (connection)
Verbinding is focussed on creating more connection between ID members and with ID. We wanted to show that you can join ID on a lager pitje as well. That is why we came up with a new feature! We analysed what hobbies the ID members had and based on the most popular hobbies, we created IDgroups. In these groups one can find people with the same passions. As a kick-off, we organised a HobbIDay, with hobby corners in ID.

2.1 Contact (contact)
This project plan is built around creating better internal communication in ID. We created Horizontale structuur vergaderingen (HSV) (horizontally structured meetings), where committees get together to talk about upcoming events. This way, communication between committees is more centered and clear. We also set up group chats with similar functions, where questions can be asked. Also, they are critically reviewing the current Internal Policy of ID, so more updates on that will follow!
2.2 Bewustwording van kwaliteiten (awareness of one’s qualities)
Here, we are highlighting hidden qualities of you as a designer. We have analysed what qualities Industrial Designers have and what could be emphasized more. You might have noticed the giant mirror in the hall of IO, where you can read cute things about you!

Missions are short projects that pop up during this year that we are working on for a shorter period of time.
Menstrual products
Do you also want free pads when you are on campus? Olivier and Annabel are currently working on making menstrual products available for free in the faculty, in collaboration with ORAS (the student council) and Stylos!

Updating the huisstijl (corporate identity) of ID
Amber and Juliet are reviewing the current huisstijl of ID by working through the brandbook and seeing what can be altered. This can then be communicated with all the commissioners of publicity to make it easier for them to make promotion for ID.
Sophie and Olivier have applied for a subsidy from GreenTU to make ID more sustainable. They want to make the year sweaters (made by the Freshmen Committee) more sustainable. Thereby, they are working on obtaining another Sustainability Label for this year!
During the General Members Assembly, IO Festival, IDE Business Fair, Flight Case and ID Kafee will give an update on what they’re doing. Here you can read a bit of background info about what the committee is and what they are working on.
IO Festival
It is February 2022. Most students are focussing on new subjects. They live day by day; get up, pretend like they study really really hard, drink some beers, and go back to sleep. We do not. Our focus point is three months ahead. Until the break of dawn, a group of 10 creatures beuns their way towards IO Festival. For all who don’t know the term IO Festival yet; it is the annual faculty festival of ID, celebrated with 1500 students (and all others older than 18 years). A night full of music, entertainment and leipe decorations. Plans are being cooked up (read: bekokstoofd), the line-up is more or less done, money is starting to roll and deco comes to life. Things are taking shape and that’s a real thrill. So in case the day-by-day-living student gets bored – dream away to that illustrious day in May. We would very much like to see you the 20th.
<3 IO Festival

IDE Business Fair
In a few weeks the IDE Business Fair 2022 will take place! For the past half year we have worked on recruiting companies, making the floorplan, planning activities, communicating all this to our students and a lot more. After the fair had to be cancelled in 2020 and online in 2021, due to Covid-19, we are very excited to have a live business fair event in the faculty hall!
I am very proud of the capabilities of our committee so far. Few of us had experience with acquisition and communication with companies. Nevertheless, we are not only going to be welcoming a lot of IDE-familiar companies, but also some new ones, like Rabobank and ANWB. We want to show all Industrial Design students what companies could be the start of your career. From cool design agencies to companies that you wouldn’t think of in the first place.
Our Kick-Off event was a huge success. We created a ‘Frust & Rust’ place in the main hall were you could get some tea for rest, and then throw the teabag as hard as possible to release your frustrations and career stress. We want to show you that thinking about your future is not scary, but something fun and exciting.
Companies are thrilled to meet in person with students. We had to put a stop on the activities and stands because we’re fully sold out! We are very proud of the offer of companies, so don’t hesitate to sign up for the events on our website. And of course to come drink a bakkie with us and the companies on the 9th & 10th of March!
Xx IDE Business Fair 2022!

ID Kafee
Hi Everyone! How are you doing? Oh how we have missed you all in ID Kafee! But luckily we have some good news: On the 23rd of February, ID Kafee will open its doors again!! And we are starting off strong with the IOF Band & DJ contest on the 23rd which you wont want to miss. But before we dive into what is coming, let us look back on what we as ID Kafee 50 have done so far this year: Our Teletappers have received their tappershirts, we organised Oktoberfest where we sold over 500 (!!) pullen and 900 liters of beer, and we hosted some theme Kafees among which BlueDot & SkID Kafee.
Since then, we have only grown more confident and determined to make the rest of the year even better! Here is a sneak peek of what you can expect to see soon: Kafeest will return, and almost every Wednesday we will host a theme Kafee of a committee. What is more, you can spot Kafee 50 at the IO Business Fair and IOF, which we are very excited for!
Until then, come by ID Kafee on any (or every) Wednesday from 17:00 till 21:00 and have a beer, say hi to our Teletappers and enjoy connecting to your fellow students and ID again. See you there!
Liefs, ID Kafee 50
Flight Case
In the Summer of 2022, Flight Case will once more lift off and go on an exciting study trip to an overseas country. This year, we plan on traveling to Southeast Asia and visiting the island city-state of Singapore. As the committee of Flight Case, we have set out to connect ambitious companies with our young designers from the IDE faculty to spark innovation and create sustainable solutions.
After our destination reveal in November 2021, we have selected a group of highly-motivated participants who will be working on the challenging cases that will be provided by our partnering companies in Singapore. In addition, our students will be assisted by Professor of Entrepreneurial Engineering Frido Smulders and our very own Faculty Dean of IDE Ena Voûte. In the meantime, we have been running a lot of acquisitions while planning for both a fun and educational trip. As negotiations with companies are still going on we are unable to disclose any information about the specifics of the cases at the moment. Therefore, we plan to provide more information about this soon and we are looking forward to meeting all the participants on the 24th of February at our very first Flight Case event!