
Cases on Tour 2 | Best Case Scenario

May 15th, 2018 – May 18th @ Studievereniging i.d
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Dear master students,

There are companies who can use your help!

We present Cases on Tour 2 Best Case Scenario: A 4 day trip visiting 4 companies to solve 12 cases, with 27 master students of our IDE faculty. You are invited to join us on our trip to explore and experience life after graduation and have an awesome time together.

The trip takes place from Tuesday May 15th to Friday 18th, 2018. By taking part in Cases on Tour you will receive 2 ECTS. A selection will be made to make sure all three masters are represented, and of course your motivation will be taken into account as well.

The costs for Cases on Tour are €70 and include the transport to all of the companies and back to Delft, three nights of accommodation and breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Apply now: https://goo.gl/forms/pyWeziGTiTQDKk822
The subscription deadline is on the 2nd of April.