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IO Festival


IO Festival 43



Eli Hommes – Chair

Sabarna Senathirajan – Secretary & Commissioner of Acquisition

Nick Reijneveld – Treasurer

Luka Wijnker – Commissioner of Bands and Acts

Samuel Hugenholtz – Commissioner of Bands and Acts

Marije Wielenga – Commissioner of Technical decorations

Reimer Zuijderland – Commissioner of Technical decorations

Job Hertzberger – Commissioner of Publicity

Simone Lengkeek – Qualitate Qua

Hannah Sargentini – Qualitate Qua


With 2500 visitors, IO Festival (IOF) is the biggest annual music festival, organized by students, in Europe. Every year, a committee of 10 students creates a spectacular festival at the IDE faculty together with all other supporting committees. This year the festival takes place from 15:00 until 23:00 on the 24th of May. During the event different kinds of music are performed: from indie rock bands to DJ’s and other acts. The festival will host three different stages where music is being performed and drinks are being served. Enjoy the music and vibes at the Aula and Mekelpark on the 24th.
See the website for more information: www.iofestival.com

Recruitment: Q1
Duration: Q1-Q4
How tough: