ID Kafee 53
Mees Sommerdijk – Chair
Sophie Haak – Secretary
Tommy Ongkiehong – Treasurer
Juliëtte Bos– Head of Purchasing
Paul Berghuis – Commissioner of Events and Traditions
Sacha van Heijningen – Qualitate Qua
The study association’s location for drinks and activities is called ID Kafee. Every Wednesday night there is the opportunity to enjoy drinks for a perfect student price of €1,25 per beer from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Apart from the regular Wednesday nights, there is also Kafeest twice a year. This is a party that starts after Kafee (at 9:00 pm) and ends at 2:00 am. There are theme nights like Oktoberfest, Sinterklaas Kafee, Valentine’s Kafee and Beugel Kafee. The ID Kafee committee also plays a big role during Summercue, IO Festival and theme nights from other committees.
Are you going to graduate, leave the faculty as a teacher or staff member, or do you just want to organise your drinks at ID Kafee? You can make a reservation for ID Kafee by filling in this form.
Recruitment: Q4
Duration: Q4-Q4
How tough: