Hey you! How cool that you are reading this. Here we have a grand, majestic update for you concerning our project plans and missions.
For those wondering what that means: a project plan is a goal that we (Board 48) have come up with this summer at the start of the year. We have five project plans and we will summarize them here, but you can also read all about them in our policy. A mission, however, is a smaller project that popped up during the year. Curious? Keep on reading!
PP1.1: The living room
This project plan is all about the character of ID. Working on this project plan we try find out what the essence is of the things we do at ID. In the past months we worked on:
The research we started at the beginning of this year. This research is all about identifying the character of ID, creating a profile. We found out some new ways to express the character of ID are:
- A radio show, see below for more information
- For the future we want to create a creative market that is inspiring for our members
- We created an ID study association Spotify account with different playlists.
Next to this, we created a ‘ruilkast’. This creates vertical contact between the ID members when they could go to the faculty. Unfortunately, we did not get the chance to use it, but when the faculty opens again the closet is ready to use!

The third thing we did, was going on with the ID counter shifts. We created an online balieshifts #balie for all the questions, breaks and a lot of gezelligheid for all our members.
PP1.2 The website as a platform
We’re spicing up the website! The goal of this project plan is to facilitate an online connection between the members of ID by adding interactive elements to the website.
What did we do so far?
We started out with you guys! We asked for input, did some brainstorming and decided on specific functions we wanted to start with. You guys mainly asked for the ability to connect with other members, both for fun and for ‘serious business’. That’s why we came up with an upgraded member space including:
- Ticket sale
- Ask the ID’er: a post board to e.g. sell your books, find new housemates, look for used materials etc.
- Brainfart ID: a place to dump all your brainfarts, creative projects and (ID related) happy pictures
- ID Music: listen and post your favorite music via Spotify
- Input: for all your input on the new member space!

What are we doing now?
Floris is doing an amazing job creating all these features! We created a wireframe and the visuals. We help Floris where we can and try to become Hackers ™. The first draft is almost done!
What’s next?
We are working on a BIG reveaaaaal! #bigreveal #canyoubelieveID
Do you also want to become a hacker and work on the ID website? Send an email to publiciteit-svid@tudelft 🙂
PP2.1 ID as a part of society
Project plan “ID part of the society” is about bringing IDE students closer to social design. We have started a workgroup named IDE4S (IDE for society) with whom we are going to organise two “actions”. One will find place in March and the other one in May. At this moment we are still discussing how the actions will look like: it could be a social media stunt, a social design sprint or a social design lecture for example. We are still discussing the themes as well.

Right now, we are working on the following:
- We have had several meetings with the municipality of Delft, and they give input about local social problems.
- We have contact with “What Design Can Do”, which is an organisation working with social design.
- We are thinking about a social media stunt about the importance of voting during the elections in March.
PP2.2 Rediscovering sustainability in ID
Maybe you have already noticed it: during the Presentation Moments all the committees have, among other things, presented their chosen SDG (sustainable development goal)! Every committee is working with at least one SDG to make ID more sustainable, but they also learn about organising or making things more environmentally friendly.
Our next steps are:
- Evaluating the SDGs with finished committees and with the B5 committees. How can we improve it?
- We would like to organise an (online) event ourselves, which is focused on sustainability. We still must make a concrete plan, but we are in contact with Futureproof.

PP2.3 The map
Recently, we have clustered the results obtained so far in order to make them more comprehensible. In addition, we had an interview about the design of the tool and the processing of the data. Here, we were able to ask questions about bottlenecks in our process.
Next steps are the collection of more data and the visualisation of the data.
The amendments to the statutes of our association were voted through twice within four weeks. Once in a general members’ assembly and once in a special members’ assembly. Which means that we can continue with the next step, signing the amended statutes at the notary’s office after the minutes of both meetings have been approved in general members assembly three. Jippie!
Confidential councils
We found a name! And it is…… the confidential mentor. After a meeting with the confidential counsellor of the whole university, we came up with this name. The new name covers the charge that the role must have.
The next step is to approach confidants for our association on the basis of a profile for the confedential mentors drawn up in cooperation with various study associations and the confidant of the entire university.
Come #rondjelopen! Every week we will promote a new walking tour in Delft. This tour will bring you to all the special places of Delft and you can get a drink or a snack at a local café with discount. During your walk you can listen to our podcast #rondjelopen!
At this moment we are in contact with several cafés to get you the most lovely discounts.
We are also busy with recording new episodes of the podcast and creating new tours every two weeks!

We are working on something that feels like entering our beautiful ID Kafee during the lunch or a study tea break. Stay tuned for the ID radio show! Listen to our favourite music or call in for a question, story or chat. Hosted by Board 48, you can listen to the radio show on one Wednesday a month from 16-17 hours 🙂 More information about the first episode very very soon!
Soooo about everything else…
Come have a chat at the General Members Assembly! Everyone is welcome!